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Non-Governmental Organisations

Reprieve and Access Info Europe

Reprieve and Access Info Europe submitted a round of FOI requests in May 2011 to air traffic authorities in seven countries (Cape Verde, Czech Republic, Finland, Iceland, Lithuania, Norway and Portugal). These requests largely concerned those aircraft absent from the Marty and Fava enquiries, yet now considered suspicious.

In August 2011, the two organisations widened their search, submitting requests to a further 21 countries, and to Eurocontrol itself.
To date, Reprieve and Access Info Europe have received new data – not previously in the public realm – from the following seven countries: Germany, Ireland, US, Lithuania, Norway, Finland and Iceland.

In addition, a Danish response referred back to the data collected previously by the Danish Government (see below for details). The response did not provide any new data.

The other countries have either maintained administrative silence (12), stated that they do not hold any relevant information (5), or have refused to release the information, claiming that they are not covered by the relevant FOI legislation (3 + Eurocontrol).

For a fuller breakdown of the requests submitted and responses received, see Reprieve and Access Info Europe’s report, Rendition on Record.


Amnesty International

Amnesty International has collected flight data on CIA-linked aircraft for several years, publishing summary analyses of this in occasional reports (e.g., Below the Radar) In addition, individual Amnesty sections have pursued data on flights entering their respective countries. For example, in November 2011 Amnesty International–Finland secured data from the Finnish Ministry of Transport and Communications, via a letter from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, relating to suspected CIA-aircraft moving through Finnish airspace.

Click here for access to the Finnish flight data


Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights / Open Society Justice Initiative / Reprieve

The Polish NGO Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights, working alongside the Open Society Justice Initiative and Reprieve, has filed several FOI requests to Polish authorities since 2009. Specifically, these requests have been sent to the Polish Air Navigation Services Agency (PANSA) and the Polish Border Guard. PANSA has proven particularly responsive to FOI requests, and have released key information regarding suspicious flights into Poland.

HFHR has produced a 4-page summary document  which pulls together the data from the FOI releases in 2009 and 2010. The summary provides data on 11 flights into Poland by 4 separate aircraft: N63MU, N379P, N8213G and N313P.

Click here for access to the Polish flight data

Rendition Research Team - © University of Kent
University of Westminster University of Kent E.S.R.C